
I AM The Way, The Truth, And The Life

Tune: Old Hundredth

(\'All people that on earth do dwell\')

John 14 v.1-7


Let not your heart be troubled, see

Believe in God, also in me

I Christ His Son, [God] my Father He

Be now and through eternity


In my Father\'s house are many

Mansions, if not so, it would be

I would have told you, now I go

To prepare a place for you, know


And if I go, a place prepare

I will come again, take you there

Receive you to myself, that where

I am, there you may be too, share


And where I go you know, and too

The way there is known unto you

Thomas Said, Lord, we know not where

You go, how can we know way there?


Jeesus said to Him, See, I be

The way, truth, life, know this clearly

No one comes to the father save* (*= except)

But through me the Son that He gave


If you had known me, you then should

Have known my Father also, would

Have understood, and from now on

My Father you know in His Son