
Gospel Gladness

Tune: Stuttgart

(\'Earth has many a noble city\')


Jesus, you my Saviour, I will

Praise you and extol you still

My Redeemer, you save from sin

Your Spirit me dwells within


Partakers of New Covenant

That you have from heaven sent

Forgiveness, eternal life for

All who will turn to you sure


I cannot myself save, but you

Make possible all things new

Paying price for my salvation

And to all of each nation


Taking on the cross my place there

In all human life you share

God the Father\'s justice it be

Satisfied there, true I see


And the hope of resurrection

Through you, you the risen Son

Help us go, share, evangelise

Ever more to the high prize


The prize of knowing you fully

Changed into your image be

Christ, by your Spirit\'s great power

Show me more of you each hour