
Poem, Questions?

It is 1 thing to ask the God of you and me.

Our Creator of us all in what’s meant to be.

Can I be on your side?

Asked in humility not out of pride.

Can I have what was meant for all of us from thee?

A relationship with not only The Creator.

But with All in complete Harmony!

That is already given in Love from Him to you and me!


Quite another to proclaim that in total pride.

God is already on your own side!

That your position of power, status or blessings of wealth and health.

Comes from on high to show us all and that is what you want us to buy.

Shows the “good” works of your own level in God’s eye.


Now for the unlearned in God’s way.

Jesus the Christ was sent to this Earth for All to be saved.

No not that any could ever in works achieve.

What was given as a gift for you and me!

Given in Loving Grace sent to all in completeness of being set free!

So what is it that you or I can add in the freedom of this realm that has Christ being the key?

On our journey to Eternity!

Not a Blessed or Damned Thing!