
Vindicated Victor

Tune: All Saints

(\'Who are these like stars appearing?\')

Revelation 1 v.11-18 parts


Jesus unto John revealéd

He the Lord, o\'er all the head

Walking midst seven candlesticks

Shining bright with burning wicks

Christ in midst of His church walks

Guides His people, with them talks


See, He one like the Son of Man

None other compares, none can

Match this vision, He first and last

Knows all future, present, past

Clothed with garment, royal robe

Author of the New Encove* (*Covenant)


Golden chest-band, head and hairs white

Majestic unto our sight

White like wool, and too white as snow

Eyes as flame of fire, we know

And His feet as brass burnished

With beauty, glory furnished


Sound of many waters His voice

Let us worship Him, rejoice

In His right hand seven stars bright

He who is the world\'s true Light

Out of His mouth two-edged sword

Sharp it be, true His each word


His countenance as sun strong shines

Works all to His own designs

He the one that lives, was once dead

Now lives evermore, He said

Alpha and Omega I

First and last, no more I die