Emotion Is a Curse

Emotion, the heaviest weight on mankind, is a curse

To seeing the true truth, it is adverse

We are, thanks to it, to pure rationality and pure objectivity blind.

We lack the capacity to utilize what would be the greatest part of the human mind.


There is not an emotion that does not end in pain

Happiness and love end to our despair, so what from them do we gain?

Human life is made up of pain and of chasing distraction

But what if the pain was never there, what if we were not in joy, but not in pain, no matter our movement or inaction? 


What great torment, grief and affliction do emotions cause!

But what if we could not process emotion and tragedy never gave us pause?

Because love, happiness, joy and thrills would not exist, 

We would not miss them, we would have no clue what in our lives we missed. 


I cannot say that I am right

Because I feel emotion, want to not as I might

I am human, not capable of the pure rationality and pure objectivity it would take to assert,

That having no concept of happiness and love would be worth having no concept of emotional hurt