
My World Treasure

There was much I needed and expected

but never knew where to find what was promised

the things and love I sought was much to far off

there was no gain, sweat, toil or pain and finding my fortune

was like a needle in a haystack and I felt bemused 

there was no way I could succeed unless I walked

the breath of the ever long mountain that never believed

in my effort and never declined the request to find love

there was no clear path in life whereby I could live in peace

it felt like I was rejected in life and had no stake in life

there is always a portion for me in this life and am a hunter

gatherer that must find his trophy in life, there is no path that

can\'t be trekked to lead me to green pastures and still waters

the calmness in my life is well known and sought after after

the wind and the wind hasn\'t deprived me to live apart

from the upcoming hurricane due to surface now next to

my bed that is covered in feathers and precious flowers

I have no secrets and am overcome with tributes and

praised for rescuing the world from apocalypse and it is

better to sweat and toil than to die and anything in life

is better than death. Man\'s future is like the light of the day.