
On Reading Bertrand Russell --

A History of Western Philosophy

copyright date 1945


Trenchant treatise purchased

August 25th, 2020

at Limerick Chapel Book Sale

(in Church gym)

offered old library books

cost 25 cents apiece.


Musty tome

seventy five years out of print

found welcome home

nevertheless mine brown
myopic eyes eagerly roam

affixing knowledge

within fifty plus shades

double fisted size

gray matter with cerebral dome.


Aging long haired pencil necked geek

said storied author I effusively bespeak,

his whose pedantic trademark style

revered analogous to beholding

resplendent riches property

of selfless sheikh.


Impossible mission to describe

intoxicating sensation when

yours truly doth imbibe

superfluous words cannot oversubscribe

most august emotional vibe.


Though agog where euphoria doth alight

each word, sentence, paragraph...

metaphorical tasty bite

read outloud with deliberate delight

(tis akin to kid in candy store)


senses luxuriate across

elapsed millenniums excite

genuine fanciful flight

comfortably numbskull buzzfeeding

until time for goodnight


becoming learned about height

civilizations flourished

food for thought insight

bedazzling mental receptors

as if fingers fondle jadeite


perhaps carved as

chess piece (think) knight

phosphorescence generating light

emanating courtesy enthusiasm

powered thru awesome might


thru simple pleasure reading

me oblivious to approach of night

ever since boyhood reveled within world

printed pages poured splendor

(worth more than fine spun gold) outright

dependable catharsis to ameliorate

most any psychological plight

strong medicine agreeable with


garden variety generic bookworm quite
now if ye will please pardon me

aye venture to experience
remote contra dancing right

fully ceased going since coronavirus (COVID-19),
if curious just access


virtualDance.html website.