
Golden Years

I know I\'ve seen you somewhere before.
You used to bag at the Albertson\'s store!
No?  Don\'t tell me.  I\'ll get it this time.
My mind is as sharp as a brand new dime,
though I hear people comment, behind my back,
that my memory has slipped a little off track.
Cruel and cutting words, indeed;
how some people love to plant those seeds
that grow into brambles and thickets of doubt,
they have no idea what they\'re talking about.
Just because I went out for a spin
they have no reason to laugh and grin,
everyone gets lost once in awhile
and look at me, I came home in style
in the back of a Sheriff\'s car.
Well, enough of that; it\'s such a bore.
Now, I know I\'ve seen you somewhere before.
Of course!  You used to bag at the Albertson\'s store.

Well, whatever happened to patience and tact?
I think it still matters how people act.
I truly thought I knew her face,
just couldn\'t track the time or the place.
But I\'m old!  Come on, give me a break!
Someday you\'ll see what effort it takes
to put on your shoes and comb your hair.
My wife and we make a pair.
We\'re both so much sharper than some people claim.
We just don\'t remember each others\' names.
Ah, but I know I seen you somewhere before.
Didn\'t you used to bag at the Albertson\'s store?