Sugiura Asuna


It feels like my body is being squeezed
I wiggle my toes, just to make sure I still can
To make sure that it really is, all in my head

A tear slips from my closed lids
Trails down my cheek and dampens my shoulder
Continuing down
Until it soaks into the linen
I know it will evaporate, and part of me wishes I could too

I want someone to find me (No I don\'t)
I want them to tell me how to fix myself (I know they can\'t)

I don\'t want anyone to find me
I\'m cracked at times like these
At times like these, I can\'t be fixed

I can simply be a boat in a storm of emotions, in an ocean of unknown sadness
Riding out the storm with bated breath, waiting for it to drag me down to the depths

Depths which I fought my way out of and fear returning to

My body feels like there are hurricane winds pushing it to the deck.
There\'s music repeating in my ears
It seems to deaden the gusts of wind as it occupies my mind
Liquefying it to seep, and drip, and drag out of my eyes and nose
Trailing down my cheek, dampening my shoulder, slipping
Into the relative safety below deck

It\'s waiting for the tempest to pass, and the calm grey clouds to return