
Miracle For A Multitude

Tune: Malvern

(one tune to:\'Jesus, where\'er thy people meet\')

Mark 6 v.32-44 parts


Great multitude did Jesus meet

How would they be fed? How this feat?

Over five thousand gathered there*

How would they in sustenance share?


Disciples counted loaves and fish

That were there, but was this mere wish?

Five loaves and two fishes to feed

So many in hor of need?


They suggested, Shall we go, buy

Pay over six months wages, try#

To buy enough food for them all?

Yet even this an order tall


Jesus did command them to stay

And sit down on the grass that day

Though evening was passing, still He

Would show them He Provider be


He took the loaves and fish, prayed there

Blessed and broke them for all to share

Disciples distributed, so

Food multiplied, an ample flow


For they did all eat, satisfied

Enough for all He did provide

And even more, for gathered all

Were twelve baskets extra and full


Gathered up, spare, and none did waste

When all had eaten, had their taste

Of food, and seen this miracle

They did partake there, one and all


* Some Gospels say \'Five thousand men, plus women and children.\'

So it was OVER five thousand people.

# They suggested spending 200 denarii. 1 denarius was one day\'s wage