Poetic Dan

Open heart surgery

Last night I felt rejected by my 11 month old

She cried every moment her mother left the room

At sleep time was no better, as no hand was better than mum\'s

Left in a pool of darkness, wandering what I have done!

Why does she push me away, is it what I\'ve become

As I open up my heart, I see that unwanted reflection

Morning has now sprung, I get up still foggy in slum

Met with the light of little Maarii, I go down in the den (please, don\'t cry)

Leaving her to play hearing nothing but joy

Until I smelt the poo and thought, ha here we go!

Then suddenly that inner dialogue said let it all flow

The rhyme hit me quick, as like lighting in a blink

A thunder left roaring, knowing I can\'t deny

The only rejection is rooted deep within, until I embrace life

This cycle will not end, so I open up my heart to perform surgery

Most of this misery I feel, starts and ends with me

I truly wished for this last key, a child matching my arrival here

If you ever read this my dear, know love always conquers fear

Thank you for helping me shed theses beautiful tears

May we all remember, life is always what you make it

Unconditional love was at the start and there\'s no way to fake it