
Prayer And Peace

Tune: Nun Danket

(\'Now thank we all our God\')

Philippians 4 v.4-9


In the Lord e\'er rejoice

Lift up His name with one voice

Let your moderation

Be known here unto all men

For the Lord is at hand

Grant we may, every land

Trust you, Lord, that you near

By faith to us appear


Be anxious fo rnothing

But do so in every thing

By prayer, supplication

With thanks, your requests, each one

Let them all be made known

Unto God, He alone

Omniscient, knows all

Hears those who on Him call


And so God\'s peace, it be

Beyond understanding, see

Shall keep your hearts and minds

Through Christ Jesus each one finds

And  think on things then true

Honest, noble, this do

And things lovely whate\'er

And good reports do share


Think too if virtue be

And what of praise does agree

Think on these things, so mind

Shall be enlightened, not blind

What you have learned, received

Heard from others, believed

What seen in them, so do

[The] God of peace be with you