
Still binge reading Bertrand Russell.. September 8th, 2020

I plunge further into

erudite epistemological philosophication

courtesy said renown British polymath,

philosopher, logician, mathematician,

historian, writer, social critic,

political activist, and Nobel laureate.


Whew! His treatise
A History of Western Philosophy Quite profound 
grist for intellectual mill

yours truly, a johnny come lately (me)
doth thirstily swill.


Though challenging material

to comprehend without shadow of doubt,

yours truly disciplines himself

to utter words out loud
in an effort accentuate, enunciate, inculcate...


No matter said storied author

among grateful dead fifty plus years,

I experience a communion

integrating esprit de corps

of one garden variety
beetle browed foo fighter (me)
linkedin courtesy immortality of soul.


Slow and methodical thru trenchant material I wade

steeping yours truly signature writing stock in trade

while sprawled out on bed housed within

one bedroom apartment (B44)


Highland Manor Apartments

(situated in Schwenksville, Pennsylvania

owned by Grosse and Quade,

one of the largest residential

property management firms in this area.


Analogous to basking robin luxuriating

within his/her medium of taster\'s choice,

I experience with exultant and exuberant
express within poetic quasi-motto rejoice.


Book learning brings me tremendous delight,

whereby my mind soars to immense height

despite eyes forced to shut courtesy blinding light,

nevertheless joie de vivre prevails gleaning

precious nuggets of knowledge to ease

penurious and precarious penniless plight

prompting provocative dreams tonight.


Figurative meaty tender vittle morsels

temporarily appease appetite

dentures no drawback into juicy tidbits to bite

impossible mission countless passages to cite

each page chock full
food for thought delight


either factual or fictitious

voluminous tome doth excite

buzzfeeding Dharma bums\' fanciful flight

occasionally curiosity finds him (me)

scrutinizing mind boggling gametophyte


phase regarding plants,

(the dominant form in bryophytes -

mosses and liverworts -
reproduce by means of spores
released from capsules),


less familiar to most people, I highlight
smattering botanical information insight
nsync with tidbit
about mineralogy namely jacobsite,

a black magnetic

isometric mineral MnFe2O4.


Fifty plus shades of gray matter (mine)

undergoing voluntary torturous subjection

i.e. stoking, perusing, and manhandling

a heavy (Sisyphean) subject matter

(honest to dogs\' truth),
I Kant understand a single word!