
Who Do You Say?

Tune: Tyrol

(\'A man there lived in Galilee\')

Mark 8 v.27-33


Jesus and His disciples they

Continued on their way

To Caesarea Philippi

They came there by and by

Jesus said to them, \"Who do men

Say that I am?\" And then

They replied, \"Some say John Baptist

Elijah, or from list\"


List of the prophets, that Christ be

One of them, some agree

Then Jesus to disciple He

Said, \"Who say you I be?\"

Peter said, \"You are the Christ, for

You the Son of God sure\"

But Jesus said not to tell then

Not spread yet to all men


He taught them He must suffer, yield

To be rejected, killed

And after three days rise again

Peter did take Him then

And he rebuked Him, said, \"Lord, ne\'er

Shall you these sufferings share

It cannot be, take not this way

But easy path today\"


Jesus did Peter rebuke then

Said, \"These the things of men

That you think on, and they be not

Things of God, not His lot\"

Though seeming fair, an evil voice

Sought to deter the choice

That Jesus should make, but the will

Of Father He chose still