
My Home All Over America

If I had it my way,

I would make America mine.

I would have free reigns to every state.

My license would be valid,


and my wife\'s Chevy truck,

would have access to every highway.

My refrigerator would be every diner,

and truck stop,

and I would never have to pay.

Colorado would be my porch,

as I watch the sun set in Texas,


So if Texas is my front yard,

then Montana would be my back,

and the entire Midwest,

would be my garden,

incase I wanted a snack.

I would buy my wife,

and me some horses,

and let them all graze in Idaho,

and if we want to go out,

for some fresh air,

we will walk to Yellowstone.

... and if we are not,

taking the truck,

then there is a red and white Harley,

just for us.

We would ride to Nashville,

and Memphis Tennessee,

as because Belle Street is a must.

Virginia would be our bedroom,

and West Virginia would be our balcony.

We would look out to,

what is almost Heaven,

and thank God for what we have and see.