Kurt Philip Behm

Dilettalia (+1)

You dip your toe into poetry’s waters,

but never seem to get wet


Pretense showing, your measure unknowing,

the surface as good as it gets


Into the depths where fear leaves a shadow,

you stare with eyes conjoined


The moment upon you, time has been stopped,

to dive—your soul purloined


(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2020)



Unto Thee


One last day to suffer,
as silence endures

One new day engendered,
to motion toward

A musical seamstress,
to stitch me back whole

A lyrical consort,
inscribed to behold

Each word as my seed,
 laying fertile the plain

Each phrase lost and orphaned,
my spirit reclaims

That breath once bespoken,
new hope to set free

That voice reawakened
—whose soul unto thee

(The Book Of Prayers: April, 2020)