
The Invisible You


You are invisible in the invisible,

Your spirit and soul are invisible,

But your bodily resident is visible.


Wearing the important things

That matters to all beings

Things made of our dreams.


But we trip up in the darkness

Lose sight in an invisible mess,

Only to hear shouts and cries.


Therein lies the weak spine

Opportunities came but you decline

Blaming something else all the time.


Insecurity, wrangle with lack of purity

Living with awkward unpredictability

The peaceful flow diminishing quickly.


You, like most, would like to hide

Being invisible wrung with pride,

from the pain that holds you inside.


The forces of ego beg and borrow

From dreams that happen long ago,

Now you are living out in the sorrow.


You want to forget the attention

but the invisible nightmare lives on,

feeding upon your unfulfilled passion.


Old habits come back into the view

They have tempters power to renew,

The invisible threat you already knew.


Lay dormant in the darkness of your mood

Fear invading where the mighty once stood,

Tall and bold, now there is not a shade of good.


To make you start a life of something

Made from nothing but worth sharing

The rich blessings of eternal light shining.


The road you choose mount upon a heap,

Even the steps, climbing the process go steep

Not higher, but away going down deep.


Where the painted world looks darker

With all the rolling waves going further

Beyond the shores, till they are seen no longer.


And you might have been left confused,

A stranger, bewildered, battered, and bruised,

And only God can replace the adulating hues