when you broke into my home it no longer felt like mine
so when you left it felt hallow like roses without its vines
I cant even have guests in without feeling sick
I lose sleep after the first date
I lose track of time
hours turn to days that soon turn to months
what is the point of watching time when I did it with you.
I lose my appetite
so when someone asks \"when did you eat last?\"
I have to stop and think
and when I force myself to eat
my stomach crawls back up my throat and strangles my tongue
for eating the food it did not want in the first place.
I forget to breathe
so every night my bedroom becomes empty halls
and my panic attack forces the screams from my body that echo on every wall
every lover I try to find after you
makes me long for you even more
because their touch is not yours nor is their kiss
I close my eyes and try to form pictures in my mind until they are no longer they
they are you
and I am so tired of feeling this way
of explaining myself when people ask
\"why can you not clean the home that he invaded?\"
because it was you who made my house into a home.