Trenz Pruca

From the Old Sailor on the Death of his Friend Sylvie.

to be part of her journey has been an adventure…
to be part of her life has been a priceless gift…
there is no perfect life…
but we fill in with perfect moments…
death leaves a heartache
no one can heal;
love leaves a memory
no one can steal.
saying goodbye to a loved one is
surely one of life’s most difficult
tasks. there are no words powerful
enough, no music soothing enough,
to ease the pain at a time like this.

I shall miss my dear friend Sylvie, from whom I’ve learned so much. But I
know her life could not have been fuller

and I draw comfort knowing she died on her

own terms with courage, grace, and dignity.

None of us could ask for more.
Good life, good death through control and choice.
I loved Sylvie not because of who she was, but because of who I was when I was with
her…to the world she may be only one person, but to me, she was the world…
maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.

I don’t want to cry because it is over, let me smile because it happened…