In Our Church Family we offer assistance to Elderly Members (75+) who want to  downsize for obvious reasons. Assistance is required especially for those who have No Children or No Children living near. And more especially so for those where one of the Partners have deceased. In BARRY*S case He & Beryl had no Children and Beryl has passed into the Spirit Dimension in November 2018. By August 2019 it had all got too much for Barry so we agreed to help Him DOWNSIZE to a one-bedroom ground-floor Wardened Flat not far from where he Lived - He was 80.


BARRY has a thousand books !  In ~

Crannies - nooks and everywhere one looks !

In fact it was a Book Pandemic

Not surprising ~ He*s an ACADEMIC !


A Lecturer in Hist*ry in his Working Life

His hoarding instincts anathema to His Wife !

It came as no great shock / surprise

It was B*G*E* to DOWNSIZE ! 


BERYL had died two years ago

Now one year on and Barry*s gettin* SLOW !

They had no Kids or Family to hand

So BRIAN & I assisted Him ~ in his Final Stand !


The Church arranged Wardened Retirement Flat

Bedroom a Kitchen - Lounge - TV - but alas NO CAT !

Some shelves for Books & Artefacts - CDS

He was perplexeds & asked *Where can I put all these ?*


The Local Public School ~ Where He had often Lectured

Saw scattering his Books about would leave Him quite dejected

So they arranged a Library *The Barry Jones Collection*

It pleased Him  - this Denouement - lifted His dejection !


His Garden Shed & His Tools ~ They all had to go

Spades - rakes -  ancient machines - Grasses for to mow

Garden furniture & Gnomes of various shapes & sizes

His Greenhouse & Tomato Plants - in the past won prizes !


His Red Cortina ~ Vintage Model that

All sold for GOLD ~ His neighbour took Old Ginger Cat !

Beryls Lladro Collection & hundreds of CDs

A Jumble Sale at Church disposed of most of these !


Downsizing *Four Bed Terrace* to a *One Bed Flat*

What a daunting task to face - O please spare us that !

We*ve decided to downsize in stages ~ that seems ~ BEST

We*ll start in 30 YEARS TIME ~ when Kids have flown the nest !


BARRY was upset ~ He thought He*d not survive

He went to His Devon Sister ~ when SKIPS came on the DRIVE !

When he returned ~ His House was SOLD & that was that !

But now Hes very HAPPY ~ in His Cosy - Dozy - Mancave Flat !


The Moral of this sombre ode

Which we now for you relate

We ALL must DOWNSIZE sometime

Please dont leave it ~ TOO DARN LATE !


Thanks for visit comments welcome LOVE 🧡 Angela💙 Brian


Have You ever Downsized (or wanted to) ? Share your

experiences !  Thanks Angela - Brian - Smokey ! ! !