
I AM The True Vine

Tune: Melita

(\'Eternal Father, strong to save\')

John 15 v.1-8 parts


Jesus said, I am the true vine

Myr Father vine-dresser divine

Each branch in Christ that bears fruit none

He takes away, a reaping done

And each branch that does ber fruit He

Purnes it, that it bear more fruit, see


Now we are made clean through Christ\'s word

He has spoke to us, we Him heard

Abide in Christ, and He in you

For branch cannot bear fruit, \'tis true

If unattached from vine it be

Non-productive, unfruitful, see


If branch not in the vine abide

To be nurtured there, to reside

No more can you do, except you

Remain in Christ, He the vine true

But abiding in Him fruit much

We shall produce, He shall bless such


If you abide in Christ, and too

Christ\'s words they do abide in you

You shall ask what you will, and so

It shall be done to you, thus know

Christ\'s Father He is glorified

As you bear much fruit, here abide