Aa Harvey

Broken bottle

Broken bottle.



Heart breaks in two, waiting on a love to come.

Save me from the time that I don\'t have; where is my fun?

I am in need of ears and lips and a hand to hold,

But it is too cold in my bed for any lost soul,

Other than mine to lie and lie I do about how I feel,

Because I hide my life away from all those who would steal.

When once upon a time I would have given it away.

Now I am too late to make a change.



Still I age and with age comes reasoning and clearer thinking.

No intoxicated, medicated, not interested, only spinning,

To pass the time with friends which I have now lost,

And I can no longer stare into the bottom of a bottle.

My personality defect is the reason for the loss,

But blame is going nowhere except back to me in full throttle.



It smashes into my chest and leaves me to confess,

I never did my best to keep you near, so goodbye stress.

It’s crystal clear in my space now,

I am heading for another row,

With myself and the thoughts inside my head,

Because all I have left is a billion regrets,

But no apologies will be coming from me,

Because all I think is killing me,

On the inside; so you don\'t need to say,

Because try as you might I will not try to understand your way,

Of thinking; so just leave me be.

Leave me to my suffering so I can pretend that I am free.



(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.