Kurt Philip Behm

Wanton & Lost (+2)

The suddenness of desertion,

the emptiness of time


Abandoning each moment,

as clocks strike their chime


And wherego the hours,

once used and cast off


Are there auctions and markets

for each second that’s lost


And who’s to recount

the old wishes unprayed


With days ever changing,

and voices relayed


The end a beginning,

the beginning an end


To drift in its circle

—time never respent


(Dreamsleep: September, 2020)




Augustine Was Right


Time an illusion,

to make sense of reality


Reality an illusion,

to order and place


Order an illusion,

to all that’s a given


What’s given Divine

—indefinable Grace


(Villanova Chapel: September, 2020)

‘A Tribute To Augustine’s 3 Tenses Of Time,

Present Past—Present Present—Present Future’




The Tollway



that sphere beyond reason


Belief as its bridgework

—faith as its troll


(Dreamsleep: September, 2020)