Fay Slimm.

The Undisturbed



The Undisturbed.


Diamonds of clearest................. dew-misted pearls    

hang in the dank air.

Thick soundless magic............. becalms and unfurls

peace to visitors there.     


Woodland\'s balm bathes..............with quieting lush

those wishing to see.

Mysterious shadows ..................reveal secret hush

to poets like me.


A child perceives awe................ in the undisturbed

and so does the scribe

Whispers seep inward........from each tree and bird 

to alter the psyche.


A spectre-dark haunt.......... transforms and refills

sadness with healing.  

In such placid places.....................busyness stills 

to access much peace.


It has been good...................for me to de-stress

in this ancient wood.

Given the chance................Nature has remedies

should I care to look.