Gary Edward Geraci

These Hands



Of the differences between man and

woman here’s one: these hands. Not to forget,


it’s a woman who births these manly hands.

A man’s hands to elevate your Body, to


consecrate bread and wine, yes, a man’s hands,

a man’s hands to hold her close, to keep her


forever. But a man’s hands profaned and

pillagers are imprisoned from their potential.


When I see his hands I see mine. What lame

cause of action has kept these hands barren,


his fruitful. A man’s hands meant to consecrate

to bear much fruit. I look at them, how I


have commissioned them, what true capacity

lie wasting, henceforth to be awakened.


Many manly hands have had grace slip through

the fingers, covered the ears, covered the


eyes, covered the mouth and never uttered

your Sacred Name nor lifted your Body


and Blood. These hands of mine I study them

closely, a reflection of what could have been.


Gary Edward Geraci