
Benevolence issues forth courtesy mine eldest sibling


Thee nonpareil Amelie Beth Harris-McGeehan

blessed honest to dog goodness her person doth bring

never could her brother wish upon NON GMO

(archaeopteryx, buffalo, chicken...) wing,

and genuine prayer anybody more a maze zing.


Many countless years before

our dear mother passed away four

plus eleven earth orbitz ago,

she voluntarily repeated more

times than I can remember \"your

older sister possesses altruistic qualities.\"


The above words enclosed by this bloke

with double quotation marks, okey-doke

not necessarily the way mama spoke,

but yours truly took poetic liberty


without any intention generating impulse to choke

the harmless, nameless, and stateless writer

and literally went bonkers

while going for Baroque

for recognized virtue that recently woke.


Kinship towards angelic, fantastic, pacific anchor

understandable why her spouse did hanker

during their courtship to pledge his troth

to maneuver metaphorical

hook, line, and sinker as though steadying a tanker.


Innocence and naïveté suffused little boy

occupying body of aging long haired

pencil necked geek without gainful employ

and (and as a shy person without benefit

of powdered milk biscuits)

generally trended solitary

verses masing with hoi polloi,


nevertheless ofttimes relentlessly teased

bully me, I loathed treatment on par

with worthlessness linkedin with discarded toy,

thus gratitude prevails toward eldest sibling

(no matter just thirteen plus months older)

pseudo motherhood she did deploy
to ward off aggressive monsters.


I reckon eyes appreciation

matured into present thankful attitude,

now with mooch time to ponder and brood

how earlier in my life behavior childish and crude

methought meself as hotshot dude,


yet these days, I couch sincerity writing

one or another poetic endeavor

knitting words analogous to composing an etude

contemplative, intuitive, and ruminative mental food


for thought hoop ping to convey
honest to goodness gratitude

communicating reasonable rhyming message

(if yee be downcast dearly beloved sister)

delivering uplifting, kickstarting exalting mood.