Jezika J

Dear America,

Dear America, 

You hate my brown skin 

Yet you yearn too be my Carmel brown tone 

That\'s why you tan no?

You hate my Mexican pride

So instead you say \" You were born in America you have to choose a side \"

You are in love with my cultural

but you don\'t want my people

You love Taco Tuesday

yet your yelling build the wall?

In your eyes, I\'m an alien, criminal, or the daughter of a drug leader

So that\'s why you claim you want me out

But you would be surprised at how many of my

Ancestor\'s contributed to making America what it is

\"Land of the Free \"

Yet, you lock my kind in cages and give

us minimum wage

I\'ve finally come to terms that because of my skin color

I won\'t get a lot of opportunity\'s and will always be looked

at funny or down on when I speak my language

But even though America was built on racism and hatred

You will never be ready for that conversation

So next time you try and speak down on me because

of my skin tone and because I\'m from Mexico

Remember I will protect those three colors with my life

and defend me until the end.

Sincerely- Jezika