
He was a Knight

He was a knight,

Like none you\'ve seen afore.

From the forest Light emerges,

The gleam of Hope opun his armor.

Held together from the vines,

Their origin not yet known.

Given by a wizard of vast knowledge,

from a land nobody knows.

To Keep inside the fires of emotion,

Until he was internally prepared.

that day he thought to be ready,

Cutting the bonds, releasing the notions.

Tormenting and killing he laid to the lands,

Possessed by the devil he had once made.

But in the dark and misty night,

He had sought to end the strife.

Asleep and dreaming of pain yet to come,

was the demon he once had dominion of.

A knife in the gullet, Was to end it\'s life.

But little did he know, it took his too.