
Praise Professions

Tune: Armageddon

(\'Who is on the Lord\'s side\')


Psalm 124 v.6-8

Blesséd now the LORD be

We saved, enemy

Snares have not us entrapped

Our soul is escaped

As a bird we set free

Snares broken they be

By the LORD\'s help we be

Set at liberty



If the LORD had not been

On our side, it seen

We would be o\'ercome, lost

Great would be the cost


Psalm 125 v.1

They that in the LORD trust

Though they be mere dust

Shall be as the mount* high (*Mount Zion)

Know the LORD is nigh

Mount cannot be removed

Steadfast it has proved

Abides here for ever

Is destroyed never - Chorus


Psalm 125 v.2

As th mounts do surround

[Jeru]Salem, so is found

The LORD is round about

His people, no doubt

Round them e\'en for ever

His strength fails never

Safe, assured, His presence

They may always sense - Chorus


Psalm 126 v.1-3

When the LORD did turn, see

The captivity

Of His people, then they

Were like dreams that day

Laughter and restoring

He to them did bring

The LORD\'s great doing shown

Unto them made known - Chorus