Nafis Light

Joker44’s Side – Sleeping

I Sleep, but it is not always nice
because it is out of exhaustion;
Things To Do,
but not exactly my kind of ‘committed action’
but added things like...’employment’ stuff
but I am not against them
because at least...they acknowledged me as A Joker
because certain things seriously matter
and a little insult (like towards The Joker) is like...too much
and there’s the rage...for being disrespectful
and there’s the anger...for rejecting Love...Laughter.


Roughly, I did go through ‘The Joker War’
and partially...’The Three Jokers’,
and although it is ‘twisted’ and I got myself lost quite far
I get one thing in common...and that is ‘Liberation.


The Joker Creating Chaos and All;
Not because he wanted everything to fall,
but wanting people to be free from rules and order;
I guess that also means...To Just Be Themselves Without Restriction.


Colours of purple and green and bright combinations,
They’re just showing one who is free and could go with anything,
but I will go with Brown...for Practicality;
Then also...Black...for Individuality.


Reason...tough to say,
but in terms of Self-Reflection;
Internal Shoutings...that I AM A JOKER
because there is Love and Laughter all the way.


Of Course There are things to face
and people who perceive based on the general beliefs of The Joker
on the surface level...but I strongly feel
a deep connection with ‘Forgiveness’, ‘Kindness’, and something Embrace.


- Joker44