Doggerel Dave

“Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho it’s Off to Work We Go…”

Conditions are unsafe at this workplace,

So discontented workers want to say     

The whole damn thing is a total disgrace.


Management hard men manage to debase,

Attempt to keep all resistance at bay.

Conditions are unsafe at this workplace.


Shareholders evade toil in any case

With resources, also the time to play.

The whole damn thing is a total disgrace.


No folks can forever keep up this pace,

Also need better pay come end of day.

Conditions are unsafe at this workplace.


They, wise to their exploitation, could trace

This back to Neoliberalism’s sway.

The whole damn thing is a total disgrace.


They organized to regulate the chase,

The union, a sound worksite, more pay.

Conditions were unsafe at this workplace,

The whole damn thing was a total disgrace.