Tune & Hymn: \'Tell me the old, old story\'
1 Corinthians 15 v.51-58
Look, I show you mystery
We shall not all sleep, see
Not sleep in death, but all changed
For so the Lord has deigned
In moment, twinkling of eye
At sound of last trump high
Dead raised incorruptible
We ever changed shall be
Death swallowed up in victory
O grave, where your victory be?
O death, where now your sting be?
In Jesus we set free
Changed to incorruptible
And too to immortal
Then comes to pass the chorus
Applying sure to us
The sting of death it be sin
What is sin\'s strength therein?
It is the law, but thanks be
God gives us victory - Chorus
\'Tis through our Lord Jesus Christ
His offering has sufficed
To set us free from sin and death
Gives us eternal breath* (* the Spirit)
So nothing here be useless
The Lord He shall it bless
Continue steadfast, it not vain
Your service for Him plain - Chorus