
Idiomatic Incisiveness

Tune: Old Yeavering

(Like a mighty river flowing\')

Matthew 13 v.10-17


Disciples said, Lord, why do you

Speak in parables? It is true

Jesus said, Because to you be

Revealed mysteries, here see


Mysteries, they of the kingdom

Of heaven, hidden truths, wholesome

Yet to some applies prophecy

Which Isaiah said, so be


Outcome expressed as intentioned

But as idiom it mentioned

By hearing, some shall hear, but not

Understand, that be their lot


And seeing, they shall see, but shall

Not perceive, and they not fare well

For their hearts are waxed gross, grown dull

Not receptive spirit, soul


Ears they have become dull to hear

Eyes they have closed, sight not appear

Lest at any time they should see

With eyes, and hear with ears free


And should understand with their heart

Receive of the gospel their part

And be converted, turn to me

The Lord, I would heal them, see


But blessed the eyes, they that do see

And the ears that do hear, so be

Many have desired to see, hear

Of old, the things now known here