Kurt Philip Behm

Divinity Of Self (+1)

Beyond every question…

God is the answer

filling in the gaps of our imperfection

offering hope in the face of despair

light to shine through the darkness

and promise

when abandonment is all we feel

lifting the burden that covers our greatness

reaffirming our choices

strengthening our wills on the forge of His power

unblocking the final entryway

—to ourselves divine


(The Book Of Prayers: October, 2020)




Limbus Puerorum


Most of our lives are lived

in an in-between world…

yesterday and tomorrow the bookends

to what has happened

and what is yet to come

ordering the mayhem in an artificial attempt

at unity and control

escape becomes an option for the very few

who no longer believe in the prescriptive banner,

the forecasted promise,

the dogmatic challenge

—or the printer’s ink


(Dreamsleep: October, 2020)