
The Face

The sun’s breath came down

To bless my face,

But I did not allow it.

A breeze drifted over me

Wanting to kiss my eyes,

And I looked the other way.

A bird sang,

Thanking the Universe for a beautiful day

And I did not smile.

My lover asked me a question,

But I did not answer it.

I walked for a while

Through familiar places

Passing many strangers

And some friends,

Without seeing them.

Angels tapped my shoulder

And smiled at me,

With radiant faces,

But I ignored them.

My pillow whispered

Words of wisdom,

I brushed them aside.

Early morning gifted its tenderness

Only to be dismissed, unnoticed.

Photographs and objects,

Claimed my attention.

Reminders or warnings,

Of past and future,

I don’t know.

Slowly, I became weightless,

Then I turned transparent,

Finally, I looked in the mirror

And I was not there.