
Holistic Healing

Tune: Melcombe

(\'New every morning is the love\')

Luke 10 v.1-9

For St Luke\'s Day (Oct 18th)


Luke, the good doctor, in gospel

Of how the Lord sent, he does tell

Sent seventy out in pairs, so

Preceded places He would go


Said, harvest is great, workers few

Pray Lord of harvest that He do

Send forth workers out, His harvest

To reap, that mankind true be blest


They to go as lambs among wolves

With minimum items or tools

Whate\'er houses they enter in

With \'Peace to this house, words begin


If they be peaceful, then that peace

Shall rest on house and e\'en increase

But if not, that peace lost not be

It shall return to givers, see


Be content in simplicity

Eating, drinking, what there then be

heal the sick that are here, and say

\'Kingdom of God near you this day\'


Medicine of the gospel whole

Healing for body, spirit, soul

Natural means too you provide

Ways that you heal, Lord, none denied