
A Beautiful Ghost

Unwrap smile tattoo the imprints
Left by hurts of abuse, you have reaped.
mesmerized in haunting thoughts
The pain goes deep into paralyzed sleep.

Silently sends out a message of appeal,
A beautiful ghost in words concealed.
All the sensations you intensely feel.
They wait for the hope to be revealed.

A spiritual verity, you long to behold,
The place to sway in your faithful embrace.
Almost disengaged from the world,
Looking for that cradle of peace.

Lurk in the dark of pulsating emotions
A beautiful ghost of the former self.
Swept over by the wildly flow of oceans
Distance and pleasurable divergence felt.

Your chastised mind stirring to strive,
Dare the sun to rise again and shine.
Within the dreams, you survive,
To look upon the gaze that saved your mind.

Walking through the delicate truth,
When loves woven thread fills your head.
With the consuming heartfelt proof.
You are happier being alive than the dead.