A Boy With Roses


For so long I felt like I had no future

Now I see beyond the years

I can see clear

Feel like I\'ve escaped the fog

Past the point of no return

Too much shit has happened to forget

I was driving faster towards my death

My fucking untimely and violent death

It makes my stomach churn

When I\'m hell-bent on dying

Determined to die

Changing with the seasons

Passing phases

I haven\'t written a thing 

It\'s not that I\'ve lost the passion

More that I have been preoccupied

Watching time unfold

Preoccupied with the pain I host

In the most fascinating way I\'m ready

Ready like I\'ve never been before

I don\'t talk to anyone anymore

I never thought I would\'ve seen the day

This has happened and I\'ve changed

A chemical imbalance in my brain

I will wash away with the rain

The dust has settled 


I\'ve carved my name with the flint sickle                                                           

Into the memory of an idyll time                                                                       

Got lost with the winds in a romantic town                                               

Burying the shipwreck of my heart                                                                   

The storm tossed me into the dark                                                                   

On a wild, wild night                                                                                               

I can\'t get you out of my mind                                                                   

You\'re like a tattoo on my flowery soul                                                               

A bird calling by the black lake                                                                         

I\'ve made a fool out of myself                                                                     

Putting everything on the table                                                                   

In the teeth of the disorder                                                                                 

I touch myself to feel something                                                             

Other than ambivalence.