Doggerel Dave

\"Oh no - not your operation!\"

Now why don’t you want to hear about my operation-     

Fearing perhaps it might be just too much information?  

Except being prostrate with a prostate is hardly new,     

And anyway if you’re a woman it won’t worry you.  


Pre admission the previous fortnight – okay to go -    

The seven am admission  -  I wanted to say no.    

It began with much paperwork for which I didn’t care;    

I managed to stay patient though the real job was not there.  


But it wasn’t long before formalities were complete;    

Trolleyed to the anteroom to await the next big treat -    

Probably not the anteroom, I don’t know what it’s called, 

Although vital stuff goes on there including being cooled.  


A cannula in my arm and vital obs meant action;  

Staff were very chatty and provided a distraction.         

So time passed very quickly as the team made me ready; 

Spinal and light anesthetic would help keep me steady.  


The anesthetist primed me for a needle in my spine;       

His wipe froze half a warm back that I just wished wasn’t mine. 

At once the shock right through my body forced an expletive -                            

It was of course the surprise and in no sense aggressive.                             


If cryonics was involved I’d had enough of this lark,  

However the actual needle was a walk in the park;  

But what I next experienced gave me no cause to laugh -   

A loss of sensation had suffused my whole lower half.  


I was wheeled into theatre but nothing happened there; 

Then two seconds later I suddenly became aware  

Of “all over” and a tube stuck up I won’t mention where, 

Even if you are broadminded I’m still not going there.   


Sutherland Hospital turned out to be such a great place   

Where the nursing staff treated me with sympathy and grace.  

Much fluid was dripped through the tube and finally drained out;   

Plus there’s more detail yet which you can again do without. 


A review after four days meant discharge was the outcome;  

I’m not sure I was ready but sleep was very welcome.      

The healing properties of slumber are of course well known,  

But there’s no chance in hospital  – at last I was alone.   


Anyway it all settled down with the fullness of time  

And given the specialist’s all clear I’m back in my prime;   

Expertly renovated and about as good as new     

With a great old life to lead and of course some travel too.