

Tatata! Tototo! Tuftuftuf! 

Ducking and scampering
not a war zone but war of protest
fisty arms speaking out.

Sunflowers made scarlet in mid-day sun
crimsoned from love gone sour -
was there ever love?
Leaders don\'t surely: reason why restructuring eloped...

There goes our soured soup
left in the open by menacing thugs
who dares eat it but the dead?
Will they come back alive again?

Curfew curfew here they knock
witting flute played by marshals
goaded by dwellers in Lion House
will it silence the youths to silences?

Will they use force to uphold our lamentation?
that we are thus tagged: lamentations of the silent youths?

It is night time this side of the river
tell me if it\'s day time
when I awake.