
Memorial service ~10:00 A.M. October 21st, 2020...

at Cherry Hill, New Jersey Unitarian Fellowship


Boyce Brandon Harris cremains

(approximately one fourth entire contents)
offered, interred, and eulogized

within ‘Tristan’s Pollinator Garden,\'

which constitutes minute arboretum

bore witness to immediate family of said deceased

yours truly plus eldest and youngest sister

each of us communicated solemn words

to recall admirable, inimitable,

and unfathomable father,


whose passing (evident previous six months,

whereby his declining physical health)

unfettered, presaged, and indicated imminent death

now his invisible spirit

dwells amidst the spiritual abodes

encompassing three offspring,

he and the late Harriet Harris begat,

whose lives analogous

to quasi orphaned grown children

all adults with independent lives of their own.


We (progeny of our father and mother,

the latter deceased

approximately fifteen and a half years)

convened at above mentioned site

see fourth line of poem

to consecrate, designate, and generate

extemporaneous heartfelt sentiments

honoring his wishes,

mixing joys and sorrows,


regaling poignant occasions

before shoveling soil

punctuated silent benediction

courtesy Reverend Margret A. O\'Neall,

Developmental Minister eloquently enunciated

reassuring, healing, and comforting words

to small congregating crowd

comprising half dozen plus people.


Come spring two thousand twenty one

a hearty shrub or tree,
(yet to be decided upon)

will be planted within sanctioned

space, whereby Mother Earth


will allow, enable, and provide

nondescript ashes to mingle

subterranean flora and fauna,

whence roots of former will help filtrate

cremated body once housing
Boyce Brandon Harris.


He who helped bring us

(meaning Amélie, Matthew and Shari)

into existence forever spirited into the future

linkedin by actions

genetically, indirectly and knowingly

hashtagged, kickstarted and tweeted

said son and daughters

who possess his corporeal heritage.