


A voyage around my father,

Would tax ancient Jason and his Argonauts,

But now his heart beats,

Still. Memories remain,

The past unresolved.

Regrets salty in my mouth.


But he, he was always a,

Ray of hope and positivism,

Not a man inclined,

To head down the hill,

To reach the rock at the bottom.


His glass not just half full,

More like a glass and a half,

A human Cadbury of life,

Well lived

Recognition well earned.

But regrets remain salty in my mouth.


His brother lived life to the max,

But his path involved many downs,

As well as ups,

Until the downward slope prevailed,

And his cells rebelled.


They called my father a polymath,

But I had to check the dictionary,

A man called this only in death,

Did Arthur proclaim that one day

His son would be multi-mathed.

Still regrets remain salty in my mouth.


When a polymath has progeny,

Afterwards do they become?

Polyhymnia, a polyglot,

An osteopath, or homeopath,

A sociopath or psychopath?


A voyage around my father,

Is not about the destination,

but the journey,

A life well-lived,

And rest well earned,

But my mouth remains salty.