
Photographic Memories

Photographs are graphic representations of memories we hope to never forget.

Look at the camera, smile, you don\'t have to look so upset.

Ma once told me, \"Just do your part and the baby will come around.\"

Even though she was speaking on taking pictures the message was more profound.

I was mentally in the lost and found,

Searching for a clue,

Studying anything I could to figure out how to be a father to you.

Books say do this and don\'t do that.

TV says talk like this and walk like that.

Finally, I realized there\'s more than one way to skin a cat.

There\'s also no wrong way to eat a Reese\'s,

Even if it\'s in pieces.

You scoop them all together and create masterpieces.

Do your part, just like mama said.

Be a man, never quit, always hold your head


But never look down on another man.

Lend a helping hand when you can.

Be a father and a best friend

Until the very end.

Own your mistakes, seek redemption.

Provide, protect, and avoid condescension.

love while you here because you\'ll be gone after while,

take 1,000 pictures for memories, even if the baby refuses to smile.
