Now look - how did you spend that extra second
That we had one year?!
A timeless amount, never to be wasted
In which to do so many things
Why, yes, I remember it well
I spent it in......
Taking 3,497 trips around the moon
Doing 5,436 marathons
Swimming the English Channel 2,643 times - and back again
Taking Fido for 6,547 walks
Doing enough shopping for 6 months
All these in one second!
But now - soon (in UK) an extra hour
A whole 3,600 seconds
Time enough to do all the above
3,600 times more!
Ohhh, I can\'t do all that, Orchi
I will spend the hour in bed sleeping!
Fido says - Orchi forgot that we lost an hour in March
And we\'re having it back now in October
But time almost infinite in Leap Year
An extra whole DAY!
It\'s all too much. heehee.