I was sitting on the stairs during my work break when a man came and sat on a couple stairs below me. I was in a bad mood that day, I had my headphones in and I just wanted to enjoy the time I had before I had to go back to making salads and shucking oysters. He sat there for a little while before he struck a conversation. He asked me if I knew anyone who could get him drugs. I told him yeah I do because being in the resturaunt business you get to know a lot of people. He asked me if I could get him weed at first, and I told him for sure yeah. Then it went to blow, and I told him yeah, and then he asked if I knew anybody who could get him heroin, and sadly I told him yes. I don\'t do heroin, but I knew people who do who could get him it. That\'s basically all the conversation was, and we exchanged numbers and I told him I got him. He said he moved from a couple towns over so he didn\'t really know anybody and he didn\'t have a car. Anyway, some time passes, maybe a month, and I see some of my old middle school friends posting stuff on Facebook of their friend passing away, from a drug overdose, heroin to be specific. I don\'t really think of it because it sadly happens a lot where I\'m from. I kept seeing people post about it and then the name started to sound more and more familiar. The name was Jake, and it had me thinking what if, just what if it was the same Jake who I exchanged numbers with and helped him score. I told myself no cause I live in a high heroin overdose town and there\'s a lot of Jakes. It\'s not him. There\'s no way. I clicked on his profile picture, and there he was. The man I met on the steps. Who asked me if I could get him drugs, and without thinking I did. I didn\'t ask if he was okay, I didn\'t even ask how he was doing. I just answered his questions, and delivered on what he wanted. In that moment I felt like a good person because I gave this random man the one favor he asked of me. If I was in his shoes and I was asking someone for drugs I would hope they would help me out cause believe me I\'ve been though it. I felt like a hero helping this man, only to find out that I may of been the one to kill him. Does this make me a bad person, cause all I ever see walking up those stairs is his ghost.