Doggerel Dave


My long life reaches an imminent close;

There’s no escape – that’s just the way it goes.

I hope to go gentle, futile to rage.

Religion has no power to engage

So end of life is waiting with no cure,  

And for me the next act remains obscure;

I know I’m here only because I’m here –

The rest imponderable:


Why just now in infinite time and space

I appear then disappear without trace?

I’m subject to cosmic indifference -

A nothing speck of no significance.

From where did I emerge, where will I go?

No answers have been forthcoming, and so

I’ll forget this quest, persist with the rest

Of this life as I find it.


Optimistic Speculative Postscript:

However surely there is a good chance   

Life everywhere exists in abundance;

I have a feeling, it’s perhaps empty,

I’ll pop up again, the chances plenty.

If there is another start would there be

A distant universe where I’d be free?

A place not too near, an advance on here;

Though the ‘I’ that’s me won’t know…


But Then Again –

What’s that if not a religion started -

A bid to be somewhere when departed.

Did my subconscious refuse to admit

Lack of grounds for a meaningful exit,

Could not cope with the prospect of the void,

Imagination in free fall deployed

To silence the fear just hovering near -

I also susceptible?


Well reincarnation allows some clout

For all those plagued with all manner of doubt;

Likely a deity will do as well:

Temple, Church, judgment and heaven or hell.

For those who must have a faith to survive  

Belief enables peace, a chance to thrive,

Endorses their need to live, love and breed  

And not face meaninglessness.


So  where am I now? I made an attempt

To find an argument which might preempt

A religious solution causing strife

For those at ease without an afterlife.

An alternate insight at my third verse

Rendered my arguments weakened and worse:

A challenge ‘why’ needed to rectify

that, sends me back to the start……..which is good.