John Snowdon

The Returned

                                           The Returned

It Returned:

Air clung still the traces of winter, weary signs of spring felt far and wide

Yet that morning returned no frost was felt to contrast

Faded drawn over dull dew drops sleepy sloped and resting upon the lawn.

Breath exhaled, vapor thick distinguished light; the gentle warmth prolonged the sun

Ever close at hand to find what winter did to what summer was.

The garden greeted, sensations repeated, a process felt but once before; here!

Here, laser focus harnessed somewhere between then and now, the hauntingly familiar unknown

Of things changed and things that remained the same…

Blessed be begotten in their space and distance to those given to separation

Who tame the thoughts much loved and often badly battered yet refusing to relent,

Refusing to budge one inch until each day’s passing eases easier. 

The courage summoned for spirit’s progression hails by the willingness to just let go!

To right the way with worthy anger or terminal decline; to die and be reborn and die once more.

Still ever present and quick to find with no blurred shape to dim the outline

No blended songs sung solely through the mind’s eye’s ear for those who see, smell who feel…

But never hear…who never taste such images sung and strung by chords hung

Above love labored lost in gain.  In Gain!!!!In Vane’s game; shame. 

Winter burns in cold reply when life flees fading off into thick, dry horizons

While wind capped dust clouds plume high into a great dark thing lashing out broken light.

Weeks to months less reaction’s intensity to dissipated sighs almost entirely forgotten completely…

But it returned:

This space comes natural, divine separation once felt without time’s silence provided forges on and   

Married together, shortly after, to a beauty on the cusp of extinction felt,

A relentless disposition, well placed and beyond such swift responses of life’s heavy sway…

I returned.