Tune: Woodlands
(\'Tell out my soul\')
Isaiah 30 v.15,18,21 and 31 v.5
Thus says the LORD God, He the Holy One
Of Israel, In returning and rest shun
Not these, for in them you shall be saved sure
Quietness, confidence your strength e\'ermore
The LORD will wait, that He may gracious be
To you, so will He be exalted, see
That He may have mercy on you, for He
A God of judgement and of justice be
Blessed are all they that do so for Him wait
In faith, He shall come to them, not be late
And you shall hear when in need of guidance
A word behind you, and His presence sense
The word will say, This is the way, walk you
In it, when turn to left or right you do
And as birds flying, the LORD will defend
His people, save, preserve them to the end