
Birthday Gift

In a time; way back, when calling wine, a friend,

Was both unheard of and inappropriate,

I used to ask for an array of gadgetry,

To make me laugh, to make me smile,

So, that I could walk my chosen fantasy path,

Either it be on conquest in Earthrealm,

Or pressing that L1 button for a stunner, or

Maybe collecting coins before rescuing,

A most “thankful” princess from a castle.


I also used to ask for other things,

In order for me to learn of yester year,

Thus, a stone collection “Treasures of the Earth”,

Was displayed loud and proud in my cabinet,

As were those books, that would be disallowed,

In my restrictive primary school curriculum.


But now, I ask for the shirt on my back,

For the roof over my head to stay,

And for my belly to never pain in rumble,

Plus, for a hope of a little peace, and

Also, for a chance to make it on my own,

Therefore, a steady pay cheque now,

Would be considered a more pertinent

Birthday gift, “a gift that keeps on giving”,

As that wanton phrase goes.


Though with such a revision of decision,

My inner child should remain,

As my badge may read “Wilko”

I’m still that boy that plays,

The only difference now is my age,

My weight, and the colour of my hair,

And the drink I choose to toast with,

Hoping that life will become more fair.