
Restoring Revealed - Isaiah Series (21)

Tune: Hallett

(one tune to \'God of mercy, God of grace\')

Isaiah 54 v.4-8 & v.17


Fear not, you shall not ashamed be

Nor disgraced, confounded, see

You shall not be put to shame

I will help you, strong my name

Says the LORD, and shame, reproach

Shall no more on you encroach


For your Maker your husband

Is, will to you loving tend

The LORD of hosts is His name

Your Redeemer, He the same

Holy One of Israel

God of the whole earth, now tell


He has called you as woman

Forsook, grieved in spirit, then

When you were refused he did

Come to your aid, was not hid

But for a moment, little

Wrath He had, now mercy all


He will show lasting kindness

Unto you, His people bless

Says the LORD, your Redeemer

And it true,  promise sure

No weapon against your formed

Shall prosper, light on you dawned


Every tongue that shall arise

Against you and speak, despise

In judging you, you then shall

Condemn them and so fare well

This heritage God\'s servants

Have, righteousness, pleasantness